Product information "ProChem V GTL yellow XL 10"

- Approvals: EN 943-2:2002 Type 1A-ET
- Construction: For PA worn inside
- Use: Single use
- Service life: 5 years
- Maintenance: None
- Gloves: SilverShield welded with arm cuff plus
- separate neoprene gloves
- Foot protection: Boot socks with drip edge
- Zipper: 122 cm gas-tight with Velcro cover
- Seam design: Welded/covered
- Visor: Multi-laminate (flexible)

Category: ProChem V
Material: Chemprotex
Protection types: EN 14126 Kat III Typ 1
EAN: 4260095099105
Article number: 005100-gelb-XL-10

- Approvals: EN 943-2:2002 Type 1A-ET
- Construction: For PA worn inside
- Use: Single use
- Service life: 5 years
- Maintenance: None
- Gloves: SilverShield welded with arm cuff plus
- separate neoprene gloves
- Foot protection: Boot socks with drip edge
- Zipper: 122 cm gas-tight with Velcro cover
- Seam design: Welded/covered
- Visor: Multi-laminate (flexible)